Buddleja’s are extremely useful shrubs for the garden, they offer wonderful flowers through the Summer, are easy to grow and very beneficial to insects. They are often viewed as large plants but there are many different species and varieties that offer all manner of flower types & colours as well as size, there are even dwarf varieties like Buddleja Buzz™, ideal for pots on the patio or front of the border.
Some of the best varieties are:
Buddleja davadii ‘Black Knight’, a larger growing variety getting up to 6ft with large dark purple flowers through mid-late Summer.
(photo courtesy of Peter Moore)
Buddleja davadii ‘Autumn Beauty’ (syn. Beijing) This is another large variety with light purple flowers, this variety produces flowers much later than other B.davidii varieties. Flowers begin in late Summer and go right through into Autumn. A great plant for insects.
(photo courtesy of Peter Moore)
Buddleia x weyeriana ‘Sungold’ is unusual as it has yellow flowers and are formed in clusters along the panicle.
(photo courtesy of Peter Moore)
Buddleja ‘Silver Anniversary’ (syn Morning Mist) a dwarf variety with very silver foliage and white flowers that have a feint honey scent.
(photo courtesy of Peter Moore)
Buddleia davdii ‘Pink Delight’ a slightly more compact form with the best pink flowers in the species. A really nice plant great for the back of the border.
(photo courtesy of Peter Moore)
Care and Maintenance
Buddleja’s are very easy to grow, they tolerate most soils and are fast growing. Pruning is the most important thing to get right and this should be done in Spring as the new shoots start to come. Prune the shrub back to 1/2ft and this will allow the new growth to form a good shape and will also produce plentiful flowers.
Dead heading is also a good task as this will prolong the flowering period, simply prune the flowers back to the nearest flower bud.