Recently a lot of customers have been asking for plants that will grow happily in shade & it is something that seems quite simple at a glance but needs careful planning. We have grouped our plants together to make selecting plants for these areas easier.
Dry shade is one of the most trickiest areas, plant selection is crucial as this is where most plants struggle, even grass! It tends to be areas under or close to hedges and large trees and often these are well used areas in the garden so improving them with colourful and attractive plants can really improve things.
Moist Shade is found in most gardens and it tends to be around the boundaries where there maybe large trees, hedges or shrubs as well as buildings casting shade over the garden. These areas tend to stay damp all the time and therefore can cause problems for certain plants, for example, Ferns, Vinca and Bergenia do well in these areas and provide colour and interest all year round.
Boggy Shade is usually quite problematic for gardeners and requires careful plant selection. Luckily there are many bog plants and they can offer wonderful leaf colour as well large and strong coloured flowers.
Suitable Plants
We have grouped our plants together to make it easier to find what you are looking for, please click any of the relevant links below to find out more.
Plants for dry shade & Under-planting hedges